Sunday, August 10, 2008


Blijkbaar heb ik concurrentie op Dat zou ik niet erg vinden, moest dat ding niet volstaan met extreemrechtse republican crap. Het is al niet meer geüpdatet sinds april 2006, maar een mooi staaltje volgt:

Rights for ILLEGAL Immigrants???
Makes me want to scream at these protestors. What part of illegal don't you understand?? What the hell is wrong with these protesting kids?

I would bet, if we put a man on the street, and asked these kids to explain to us what this hullaballoo is all about, they couldn't give us an intelligent honest answer. I would bet that if we drill down to their motives it would come down to two things;
They just want an excuse from not going to class.
They are being motivated by the likes of LULAC and other racist communistic groups.

Enfin, dus eventjes duidelijk maken: dat is niét mijn werk, en ik heb er niets mee te maken.

1 comment:

Koen said...

alle, ik ben precies nog ni zo slecht af met mijn blogdubbelganger